Tag Archives: crazy

“Real martial artists have great techniques.”

If you’ve ever been on the Internet (which I assume you have, because you are on the Internet right now), then you know it is full of strange people with strange opinions. It’s also full of crazy.  I really enjoy the crazy.

This gong-fu sifu has it all figured out, for sure (this is my favorite video of his, but they are all pretty awesome).  His gems include calling full guard the “baby monkey” wrap around, and informing us all that “Joe Wogan” really likes the baby monkey wrap around. Also, he equates MMA fighters with gangsters and tells us that guard leaves our (collective, since I don’t have any) balls exposed.

I think I’m going to have to go with Draculino on this one: “Come on, hit me in the balls, man.”


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Filed under Technique, Video